Monday, July 23, 2007


1. Able, Deborah. Hate Groups: Issues in Focus: Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1995

2. Heberlein, Regine I. White Supremacists: Contemporary Issues Companion: Greenhouse Press, 2002

3. Landau, Elaine. The White Power Movement: America’s Racist Hate Groups: The Millbrook Press, 1993

4. Martinez, J. Michael. Carpetbaggers, Cavalry, and the Ku Klux Klan: Exposing the Invisible Empire During Reconstruction: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, 2007

5. Wade, Wyn Craig. The Fiery Cross: The Ku Klux Klan in America: Oxford University Press, 1998

6. Turner, John J. The Ku Klux Klan, a history of racism and violence: Klanwatch, 1982

7. The Ku Klux Klan-A Secret History. History Channel. A&E Home Video, 2005

8. 12/24/1865: KKK Founded: History Channel. A&E Television Network, 2007 (short clip):

9. MacDowell, Marsha., Charlotte Quinney and Mary Worrall. “The KKK Fundraising Quilt” Chicora, Michigan: 2006. ed. 27: 91-122

10. Simkin, John. “Spartacus Educational.” July 18, 2007

11. The Official Website of The Knights Party, “Vocabulary,”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done. I love the posting of some of your primary sources.